Why do you like this site so much Toby Jones 262/ Phoenix rising/wolverines?
Is it because we have not all yet converted to right wing politics and mass gun ownership to attack the commies?
this is a great movie.
it documents how dangerous the left is.
its on the verge of destroying the country.
Why do you like this site so much Toby Jones 262/ Phoenix rising/wolverines?
Is it because we have not all yet converted to right wing politics and mass gun ownership to attack the commies?
my old account was silent and i had to create a new account which kind of bums me, but here i am.. over the years i've really experienced some rough times emotionally and spiritually which led me down many paths.
being angry most all of time with a few outbursts really started to make me take stock of what was wrong with me.
further i started really going back and trying to figure out where i went wrong.. so i revisted all my previous posts on here.
Silent what is missing is belief in YOURSELF.
How can you rely on others especially a "god who doesn't change" who considered smashing children against a wall a positive thing? A loving God??
The God of the Bible is a psychopath and brings about evil!..................... see Isa 47:7 Exod 32:14 1 Sam 16:14 1 Kings 9:19, 14:10 2 Kings 6:33, 21;12, 22:16 Neh 13:8 Jer 44:2, 45:5, 49:37 Mic 1:12, 2:3.
It does take more courage to face reality with your own resources than to trust in invisible spirits but there are always people on hand to help you you through it.
All the best to you
i might have missed this but blondie was always one of the best posters here.
her analysis and commentary was spot on.. is everything ok with her?
It seems she wants nothing more to do with WT matters. Fair enough if that is the case, whatever is best for us as individuals.
When I left religion that was my feeling, I neither wanted the org nor did I want to discuss with apostates. For me it was only years later that I could get down to understanding the details of how hypocritical and corrosive the WT org is. Perhaps she wants a clean break or has found something more rewarding?
Thanks for all of your carefully presented information Blondie.
if you were a religious organization publicly identified with predictingarmageddon soon, would you be motivated to build large and expensive edifices or hideaways in foreign lands?such as:a $ 1,425,400 property in which a welsh translation center could be maintained?.
this looks like a pleasant location for doomsday, doesn’t it?.
maybe just a fortunate location for.
When the old rogue Rutherford died, he was so well regarded, so beloved of the brotherhood that masses of the faithful turned up in droves at his funeral to see and hear the tributes for this outstanding Witness of Jehovah .........all four of them!
I would have thought that hardened criminals get more mourners to their burial than Rutherford did.
court confirms: severe criticism of jehovah's witnesses is justified!.
I wonder who in the governing body will be first to become an alcoholic?
the watchtower—study edition | august 2020 .
study article 33. the resurrection reveals god’s love, wisdom, and patience.
8 for a number of reasons, we can assume that those greeting resurrected individuals will be able to recognize their loved ones.
The notion of a mass resurrection is part of the total fantasy world embedded in the Bible.
just to remind you, the recent court decision included a judgement about wt and freedom of speech something the organisation has long prided itself about.
infosektamedia release of july 8, 2020 7. thewatchtower organisation denies members the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion according to article 18 statement by the expert (tages-anzeiger)"furthermore, article 18 states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, a right that the watchtower society claims for itself but does not grant its members.
" judgment of the court by ostracizing members who no longer share the faith, they are implicitly denied freedom of faith and conscience (proof of good faith).
Well presented Slidin. The indoctrination machinery is always at work in Watchtower HQ. Everything they say or print is for the purpose of furthering their own domain of influence. They cultivate their flock to blindly obey their crass instructions including the shunning of family members for choosing not to remain JWs.
I like the WT quote which you have highlighted on "human rights", only mentioned by them when they are adversely affected but they never consider their own responsibilities and actions as subject to the same International Covenant regulations. Their attitude is and always has been as if they are above the law because they imagine they exclusively have God's backing!
Their arrogance has been exposed in the Swiss court.
Let's hope the principle is enforced and that JW org will be subjected to sanctions if they don't comply and equally that WT HQ recognise that they are abusive bullies who need to mend their ways.
oil and gas are from organisms plants and animal that used sunlight for food.
so in essence we are all running solar.
Damn it! fusion not fission... thank you Waton.
Eventually the use of nuclear fusion will lead to great changes, not damaging to the planet and an immense resource of energy. But what they said of nuclear fission in the 1950s was that it would lead to cheap abundant electricity... it didn't happen!
It's an interesting story to watch the developments of fusion in China where they have so far held a temperature of 18 million C for one minute -- or so they claim -- and the Jet project near me in Oxford where they are using laser containment and of course the international Tokamak project ITER in Provence France using magnetic containment.
However with a reservoir of vast surplus energy from fusion, great engineering and technological possibilities will exist.
No, just reducing energy costs in itself will not lead to social change.
oil and gas are from organisms plants and animal that used sunlight for food.
so in essence we are all running solar.
They have been saying that terrestrial nuclear fission (imitating the sun) as an energy source is always thirty years away. This hope moves forward like the promised JW paradise but unlike the WT dream, nuclear fission will become technically possible.
The difficulty is in handling a proton plasma at 18 million degrees Kelvin then getting a means to contain and utilise the super abundant energy without damaging anything. Once we have an unlimited energy source in theory it would be possible to control even the weather. The consequences will be profound. Probably a new global geo political system would arise which would require universal education, maturity and social mechanisms to cope with changes.
It could eliminate poverty which is currently one of the prime drivers of religion.
oil and gas are from organisms plants and animal that used sunlight for food.
so in essence we are all running solar.
Sun worship at least had a rational basis..... but why worship anything?